Saturday, June 16, 2007


We weren't home 7 hours. Sharon's pain became so unbearable, she said "take me back."
So, as I was getting ready, she threw up. Not good. She got to ride in the ambulance.
I'll post again when I get a chance. Thanks again for all your support.

OK...phew! It's 8;46 am. I just got off the phone with the nurse. Sharon was in isolation this morning. Her white cell count was high, they did a spinal tap to check for infection in the CSF(cerebral /spinal fluid). No infection in there, at least. They suspect infection, but have not narrowed it down. CSF is a term familiar to all CHIARIANS. It is what they don't have enough of flowing around like you and I. The surgeon says that while most people have 4 milimeters of space between the brain and spine for flow, Sharon had less than 1. More later.

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