I saw the PCP last week. She thinks I have sinus issues/possibly an infection from the dryness of the CPAP and possible "occipital nerve" issues from the CPAP strap. She prescribed antibiotics and a nasal spray. I have been using these for a week and don't feel any change.
It is VERY difficult to believe that anything new and/or weird is not directly CM related.
In addition, since Dr. O has cut me lose because no major complications came up post op, PCP wants me to start seeing a neurologist. The last neurologist i saw was around the time of my CM diagnosis. I have an appointment the end of February.
I am beginning to wonder if the decompression surgery made enough of a difference to be worth it
Saw the "Pain Guy" last week too. I was hoping for some change to the meds, but he wants me to see and ENT and have more tests prior to "covering up" the new symptoms. -- I know my mother would say swearing is not "lady like", but I have to resort the the fact that I have been married to a sailor for 17 years. -- This sucks!
Hello, My name is Cheryl. I have been reading your blog for weeks now. I am so sorry all of this is happening to you.I am scheduled for decompression surgery in a couple of weeks. I was raised in Golden Colo. but now I live in Up State New York.(sucks). After reading about all that has happened to you, I am begining to think I will be better off staying the way I am! I just got a call from the surgeons secretaty. Surgery date Feb 21. They act like your going in for a Haircut!
Any way. I just wanted to say that I think you are an amazing woman, and a inspiration to many people,especialy me.
I hope you are feeling better soon!
Cheryl Simmons
I am so sorry to hear that your have caught the curse of the vertigo ~ a very familiar friend of mine! On days when i was really swirly I used to yell outloud ~ stop the tilt-a-whirl!! I want to get off!
Hope the ENT attributes the vertigo to something ear realated and not chiari. Hugs to you ~ Lace
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