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When you are "Tagged" you are suppose to write seven random things about yourself.
It's taken a while for my response, but Dear Husband (DH) "Tagged" me some time back. So here goes:
1.) It would appear from my blog that pink is my favorite color. It is really Red.
2.) I only 4'10" and wear a size 5 shoe. DH has shrunk, but when we got married he was 6'. The day we got married we were in McDonalds and an older woman told him he had a beautiful daughter (I was 23 years old at the time).
3.) I worked as the office manger for the Victim Assistance Unit of a large police department for 12 years.
4.) I was on the dean's list 2 semesters in a row while I attended the University of Northern Colorado.
5.) My pets all consider me the Alpha of the pack. Even when they won't listen to DH, they behave for me. When I am having a painful night they contend for who gets the best sleeping on me.
6.) I didn't learn to swim until I took an adult swim class in college.
7.) One of my most treasured possessions is a replica 1866 Winchester "yellow boy" lever action rifle.

I am taking some time off work (3 weeks to be exact). I wish I could say it was for vacation, but alas it is to get a handle. If I had been blogging back in May 2007 (pre-blog/pre-decompr
ession days) today's post would simply say "refer to post dated May 1, 2007". LOTS of pressure . Same type of ongoing pain, an actual head "ache" for the first time in 10 years and a new fun symptom - vertigo. When I look at the ceiling or turn my head fast the room spins and my stomach does flip flops. This happened the first time at "Pain Guys" office last month.
I saw the PCP last week. She thinks I have sinus issues/possibly an infection from the dryness of the CPAP and possible "occipital nerve" issues from the CPAP strap. She prescribed antibiotics and a nasal spray. I have been using these for a week and don't feel any change.
It is VERY difficult to believe that anything new and/or weird is not directly CM related.
In addition, since Dr. O has cut me lose because no major complications came up post op, PCP wants me to start seeing a neurologist. The last neurologist i saw was around the time of my CM diagnosis. I have an appointment the end of February.
I am beginning to wonder if the decompression surgery made enough of a difference to be worth it
Saw the "Pain Guy" last week too. I was hoping for some change to the meds, but he wants me to see and ENT and have more tests prior to "covering up" the new symptoms. -- I know my mother would say swearing is not "lady like", but I have to resort the the fact that I have been married to a sailor for 17 years. -- This sucks!