I was never familiar with a central line I.V. until this April when my 22 year old daughter got very sick and had 5 feet of small bowel removed because it was dead and gangrene. She was in ICU for 3 or 4 days, and the hospital for 14 days. I was very worried about that central line. It saved her many sticks, as they needed lots of blood all the time, and had to transfuse her.But I worried just the same. Then fast forward to June. Sharon had to have one. You can't have brain surgery without one. It's standard. So, when Kelly came over last night to deliver some specialty foods and visit, they were comparing scars. If it was a contest, it was a draw. They both sport very impressive scars. The 'Kelly belly' scar is nearly from chin to navel, with many various small scars from drains. Sharons' is just as impressive, from high on the back of her head down past her neck, over 6 inches. And they both have central line scars. It was a tie.
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