This week alone:
I saw Pain doc. His response was I know you are in more pain but. hang in there I don't want to make an changes until I do more tests, here is the name of a neurologist who has actually heard of CM and come back for your usual 1 month check up. UGH!
I saw new ENT, couldn't believe the nero she sent me to was so unhelpful. Wants me to try new nasal sprays for vertigo (kinda feels like putting a simple band aid on a cut atery), thinks I may have crystals in my ear drum, go see another specialist and come back. UGH!
Tried to see PCP to sign disability paperwork and schedule a tilt-table test. Or at least try and figure out why my heart races when I am upright. My appointment was at 8:00 as I pulled in the parking lot at 7:55 my cell rang. It was her office. She has the flu and won't be in today, can you come back Wednesday? Double UGH UGH.
Only relief in the whole mess is that DH and I have access to Access-a-Ride. It is a door to door but service provided by the local public transportation department. At least I don't have to drive on days I feel like I could be a danger to myself, DH or others.

You wrote me on my blog "The Brocks" not too long ago. I haven't had a chance to respond until now. It seems you've hit one of those frustrating moments recently. I hope it gets better. You said in your message to me that there are a lot of areas of support for Chiarians in the Denver area. Do you have any links to them? I hope the doctors find ways to help you soon. BTW, I borrowed your chiari chart off of your page to share with my family and friends. This is such an uncommon condition, many have no clue what I'm talking about! I think the chart will help! Thanks for reaching out.
It feels like a revolving door sometimes, doesn't it? I know the feeling, too. You and Bobby are both in my prayers.
Hi, your husband just joined the MSN group that I manage so I wanted to check out your blog. I understand most of the things you have written about recently. I was off work for 3 months following a tethered cord release. I developed POTS right after surgery, didn't get the tilt table until 2 months later and just started back to work this week. I still have a ton of appointments and feel like I have 2 full time jobs now. Best of luck I hope your doctors find answers soon.
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